Wash The Diapers First
Never ever diaper your baby in a brand new cloth diaper straight from the plastic wrapping. In between the natural cotton as well as the manufacturing method, new diapers have a waxy covering that reduces their absorbency and can irritate baby's skin. Toss all your new baby diapers into the washer and run them at least five or six cycles with detergent, bleach and the hottest water you can gather. If you have got a clothesline and a sunny day, that's the ideal way to dry them.
Click For More Info On Cloth Diapers
Folding Diapers
You thought you have made your last choice when you picked the diaper, did you? There are a lot more options in 100% natural cloth diapers than you'll find in the disposable diapers aisle at the supermarket. Pre-fold, padded, flat-folded, nappy-style, all-in-ones, all-in-twos, these are enough to make your head spin just attempting to absorb it all. For the purpose of this baby diapering class, we'll believe that you're making use of plain old flat-folds which is a very simple rectangle of absorbent cotton that could have a quilted layer running down the middle for extra absorbency. Here are a number of diverse approaches of folding diapers, thanks to moms, grandmas and the manufacture's.
The Angel-Wing Fold
1. Lay the diaper length-wise on the changing table. Fold the sides of the diaper in to the middle to form an absorbing pad.
2. Fold some inches down at the front.
3. Unfold the sides at the back of the diaper, fanning them out.
4. Position the baby on the diaper, and pull the front up in between his or her legs.
5. Positioning the front against his belly, bring both sides of the back around to the front, and pin in place, pushing the pin through a few layers of diaper. You do not have to go all the way through the diaper to ensure that the pin is against baby's skin.
Bikini Twist High-Cut Fold
1. Lay the diaper flat on the table.
2. Turn one end of the diaper completely over, twisting the diaper at the midpoint to form an absorbent pad.
3. Place the baby on the diaper (or the diaper under the baby, whichever is simpler).
4. Pull the front of the diaper up in between baby's legs.
5. Pull back corners of the diaper around the baby, over the front corners and pin securely.
Double-Diaper For Heavy Wetters
1. Use one regular diaper and one infant size diaper. Lay regular diaper on table. Place infant size diaper in center.
2. Fold sides of infant diaper in, then fold sides of normal diaper in to cover the infant diaper.
3. Fold some inches of the diaper front up, then fan the back of the diaper out to form angel wings.
4. Plop the baby in the middle of the diaper, and commence as for the angel wing fold.
No matter which fold you choose to use, cover the whole thing using a diaper cover, smooch the little baby and send him back away to play with a comfortable, dry bottom.
Click To Find The Perfect Diaper For Your Baby
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